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來源:www.heyajun.cn 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-07-27 瀏覽次數(shù):122
目前,所使用的快餐盒,多采用塑料泡沫成型盒,雖然也能做到一次性使用,但在使用后,很難處理這些廢品,它大量堆積會(huì)直接影響我們生 態(tài)環(huán)境;現(xiàn)在,大量用戶逐漸改用一次性紙餐盒,其形狀多樣,有圓桶型,長方型等,但由于其形狀及材料的限 制,盒蓋與盒體之間密封性較差,蓋不嚴(yán),易使灰塵進(jìn)入盒內(nèi)的食品中,很不衛(wèi)生。
At present, the snack boxes used mostly use plastic foam molding boxes, although they can also be used for one time, but after use, it is very difficult to deal with these wastes, and its accumulation will directly affect our ecological environment. Now, a large number of users are gradually switching to disposable paper lunch boxes, which have various shapes, such as barrel type, rectangular type, etc. However, due to the limitations of their shape and materials, the sealing between the box cover and the box body is poor and the cover is not tight, which is easy to make dust enter the food in the box, which is very unsanitary.
The purpose of the utility model produced and manufactured by Yinuo Packaging Institute is to fold a whole piece of paper to form a lunch box. Its structure can make the box cover tightly on the box body, with good sealing performance and convenient and sanitary use.
The product of the utility model produced by Yinuo Packaging Co., Ltd. is realized in this way, which comprises a box cover and a box body connected as a whole. It is characterized in that it is folded by a whole piece of formed paper, in which the two ends of the front wall of the box cover are provided with outward extending protective wings, which can be clamped on the two side walls of the box cover after folding, so as to tighten the front wall of the box cover when it is covered.
After the box body is formed, the excess parts of its four corners are folded outward and fixed on the outer turned edge of the side wall of the box body, so as to strengthen the two walls of the box and make the inner surface of the box smooth; One side of the box body is provided with a movable flash folded outward. After the box cover is covered, it not only plays a sealing role, but also supports the box cover tightly, so that the box cover is not easy to automatically disengage, but also strengthens the front wall of the box body.